

Before the workshop

Please setup your machine and accounts before the workshop. We encourage participants to complete these steps about a week ahead such that issues can be ironed out with local adminstrators or with the organizers by mail or video conferences.

We do not have the capacity to setup your machine while the workshop is running.

During the workshop

Each day, the workshop will be a mixture of lectures and practicals from:

From To What
09:00 09:15 Welcome coffee
09:15 12:30 Course work with a coffee break
12:30 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 17:00 Course work with a coffee break

Please join us for the welcome coffee to test your R set-up and to pose questions. All times refer to local Luxembourg time (Central European Time, UTC+01:00).

After the workshop

Participants should plan some time in the week following the workshop to complete assignments. We aim to limit the workload after the course but if you’re missing segments, get stuck with an assignment.

Detailed program

Date Time Session Who Notes
10-Feb 09:15 Introduction and refresher RK About the course
09:30 Project setup RK
10:15 Datasaurus practical RK Rstudio, git
10:30 Coffee break
11:15 Quarto RK Guided tutorial
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Importing data RK
14:30 Tidy data w/ exercise RK Interactive tutorial
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Importing data RK readr, readxl
15:45 Importing practical RK
16:15 String manipulation RK stringr
17:00 End of day
11-Feb 09:15 Review of practicals RK
09:30 Data transformation MZ dplyr
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Grouping and summarizing MZ dplyr
11:30 dplyr Practicals MZ
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Joins and pivots RK dplyr, tidyr
15:00 RK Practical
17:00 End of day
12-Feb 09:15 Review of practicals RK
09:35 Visualization RK ggplot
10:30 Coffee break
11:45 Functional programming RK purrr
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Tidy models RK broom, interactive
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Concluding practical All Assessed
17:00 End of day
13-Feb 09:15 Advanced Programming RK tidyeval
10:00 What's new in the tidyverse in 2025 RK
10:30 Coffee break All
10:45 Bring Your Own Data All
16:00 Closing session All
  • Day 1 will cover the conceptual differences in the tidyverse to base R, setting up your work environment, loading data via the readr package and basic cleaning of text using regular expressions.
  • Day 2 will introduce tidying and organising data via the tidyr and dplyr packRKes as well as ggplot2 for visualisation.
  • Day 3 will look at functional programming tools using the purrrpackage, which greatly simplifies repeating operations. RMarkdown documents enable reproducible and automated reporting. Many statistical packages have complicated and idiosyncratic data structures. Thebroompackage helps to convert them to consistent data structures. We also take a look at using the tidyverse functions in your own development code.
  • Participants are encouraged to bring their own data for analysis or convert existing code to tidyverse on Day 4.