About this course



We are all working at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the University of Luxembourg.


  • Aurélien Ginolhac designed and coded most of the infrastructure and content for this course.

Some figures and materials are from:

Technical description

This website was built using quarto websites, rendered by Continous Integration & Deployment. Specifically:

  • Practicals/projects using a Quarto extension {unilur} developed by Aurélien Ginolhac
  • This Quarto website is generated on a gitlab runner using docker-in-docker and the project-local R dependency manager {renv}
  • Website is on a Virtual Machine hosted by the LCSB biocore team using nginx.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License except for the borrowed and mentioned with proper source: statements.

Acknowledge the climate crisis

I acknowledge that we are in an existential human-induced climate crisis caused by excessive CO2 emissions from a variety of human activities.

While I recognize that our day-to-day transportation, energy use, materialistic consumption, animal-based diets and excessive flying impact the climate crisis, individual mitigation alone is no substitute for policy reform.

I acknowledge that the path to resolving this crisis requires systemic societal and structural change supported by strong political intervention rather than individual actions, technological innovation or investment alone. I acknowledge that we have less than a decade to drastically reduce CO2 emissions to prevent irreparable damage to our quality of life, well-being and the diversity of nature.

— Acknowledgment provided by acknowledge-the-climate-crisis.org

Climate warming stripes

Image of the 🌏 🌡️ 1850-2021 from ShowYourStripes